Elizabeth Hartmann
Liz Hartmann, Ph.D,. is the principal investigator for the CAST subcontract for TIES Center. She is a Senior Research Scientist at CAST, an Associate Professor of Education at Lasell University, and a lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE). She has designed many innovative applications of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) including Lasell’s M.Ed. Program, an International Service Learning Program to the Caribbean Nation of Antigua & Barbuda, and professional development sessions for universities and local school districts. In her research she examines teacher implementation of UDL and how UDL is enacted to ensure equitable outcomes for learners with multiple disabilities. She is a teacher of students with visual impairment and deafblindness and currently co-editing a book for the American Printing House for the Blind on the early intervention of infants and toddlers with Cerebral Visual Impairment or CVI.
Email: lhartmann@cast.org